Ruby  HSIEH I Hsuan  謝以萱
is a curator, researcher and film critic base between Taipei (TW) and Amsterdam (NL). 

MA in Anthropology from National Taiwan University.

Ruby HSIEH I Hsuan manages multiple art and cultural mediation projects. She has more than 6 years work experiences in film festivals. Frequently cooperates with film festivals and cultural foundations in Taiwan. She was the programmer for Taipei Film Festival (2017-2019), program director for Taoyuan Film Festival (2018, TW). She currently works as selection committee for Taipei Film Festival (since 2020), selection committee of Asian and International Competition at Taiwan International Documentary Festival (2022 TIDF) .and programmer at Women Make Waves Film Festival Taiwan (since 2021). 

She also works as an independent film critic and chief editor for Taiwan Documentary E-Paper. As one of the member of Taiwan Film Critics Society, her writings range from interviews, film reviews, to essays on films, filmmakers, and the cinema culture with a focus on Taiwan and Southeast Asia. She is the co-founder of Hide & Seek Audiovisual Art. She is developing a research project concerning film museum / archive in Europe and Taiwan. 

長期從事影像研究、評論策展工作。國立臺灣大學人類學研究所碩士,論文探討泰國非政府組織與社會文化之間的關係,持續關注當代東南亞電影與視覺藝術發展,相關評論、採訪文章散見各藝文媒體,為台灣影評人協會成員之一,亦為《紀工報》執行主編。擔任台灣國際女性影展選片人(2021-)、國家影視聽中心台灣國際紀錄片影展(TIDF)亞洲與國際競賽初選委員(2022);曾任台北電影節節目團隊,擔任國際新導演競賽初選委員(2017, 2019-2021);曾任 2018 桃園電影節節目統籌,並參與富邦文教基金會電影學校影像教育等工作。現旅居阿姆斯特丹,展開影像保存與推廣機構與文化政策研究調查計畫,為「害喜影音綜藝」創始成員之一。


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